Thursday, February 25, 2010

Boy or Girl?

Ha that title might mislead some people. Anyways, today at the park literally 4 people in different parts of the park called Gavin a girl. Here are some pictures I took when we got home. Note red baseball onesie, jeans, and blue shoes. I don't get it.

He walks around with this "little person" in his mouth.

As you can see, Gavin is a cheeseball. Here are some pictures we took yesterday and today. This is the face he makes when the flash goes off.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Marine Corps Blanket Tent

Does your kid's blanket talk about appropriate use in a combat area? Thanks to my dad, Gavin has his very own Marine Corps blanket. When I was three, I was cold and stole the blanket my dad was using. From then on I always had that blanket. It's pretty old now, but I still sleep with it some nights. My dad carried on the tradition and sent Gavin his own embroidered blanket for his birthday. Here are a few shots from his first Marine Corps blanket tent.